• Registration details

1.���The registration details required of an individual in order to be registered in the National Registry and to acquire a Social Security Number (in Greek) are the following:

1).���Birth surname

2).���Current surname, in accordance with their current ID as stipulated in article 4


4).���Father's name

5).���Mother's name


7).���Full date of birth

8).���Country of birth

9).���Prefecture of birth (only for those born in Greece)


11).���ID card details (number, year of issuance and type of ID). Latin lettering is allowed for foreign citizens.

12).���Postal address in Greece (street, number, postal code, town-municipality, prefecture).

13).���Telephone number

14).���Main Insurance Institution

15).���Health Insurance Institution

16).���16) Social Security Number and family relationship (for registering an indirectly insured individual).

Items 1-13 are mandatory for all, items 14-15 are required for directly insured citizens and pensioners while items 15-16 are required for indirectly insured citizens (dependent family members). Further details (not mandatory) are the town of birth and Tax Registry number.

2.���In the event that the individual being registered is not a Greek citizen, then the following details are necessary (Latin characters):

1).���Birth surname

2).���Current surname, in accordance with their current ID as stipulated in article 4


4).���Father's name

5).���Mother's name

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