- Registry Preparation
Registry Preparation
1.���General Secretariat of Social Security will inform the citizens by all available means of their obligation to present themselves at a KEP or an AMKA office of their choice, in order to register and acquire a Social Security number both for themselves (in the event that they do not already have one) as well as for their underage children and for other dependent members of their family.
2.���The Government Center for Social Security SA (IDIKA SA) within the framework of informing the citizens who already have a Social Security Number, and to avoid unnecessary hassle at the KEP or the AMKA offices, will print and send Social Security Cards to AMKA holders. In order to do this, the competent Social Security Institutions are obliged to inform IDIKA SA of the current postal addresses of their insured citizens and pensioners.
3.���The Social Security Institutions (FKA) and other competent services will operate AMKA offices which will carry out the registration procedure along with the KEP in order to accelerate the AMKA acquisition procedure for all directly and indirectly insured citizens and pensioners and will provide information to the citizens relating to the Social Security Number. The FKA which have AMKA offices in rural areas will provide their services to insured citizens of other FKA who do not have corresponding offices in their area.
4.���The e-Government Center for Social Security SA (IDIKA SA) will provide:
a)��KEP and AMKA offices with the required web application necessary to supply a Social Security number, to search for an individual within the National Registry and update their details.
b)��The Social Security Bodies Institutions with the suitable computer applications to update their registry (file exchanging, Web services) concerning directly insured citizens/pensioners and their dependent family members.
c)��A web application on the website www.amka.gr, through which the citizens will be able to be informed whether they have a Social Security Number or not.
5.���The e-Government Center for Social Security SA (IDIKA SA) is obliged:
a)��To provide all the necessary training material in order to train the KEP and AMKA offices staff on the use of the application, on determining whether a person already has a Social Security Number, on the registration procedure, on monitoring the same names (determining an individual's identity) and the immediate supply of a Social Security Number.
b)��Τo supply a help desk which will provide phone support for the KEP and AMKA offices exclusively for the aforementioned procedure.